Well, better starting from when the hangover clears.


Obligatory penis-shaped logo? Check.
Bad-taste logo? Check.
Ominous logo? Check.
Nazi logo? Check.
And my personal favourite - the Excellent! trifecta.
That'll teach them to reach out to the interwebs. Go check out the other entries and maybe even take part yourself! Hurry, deadline is December 8th!
More specifically, I want to talk about how paleontologists' have been busy crapping on everything we've ever known about our lizard friends.
Could he be any less of a doctor?
First they tell us the Brontosaurus never existed.
Then they told us the Velociraptor had feathers.
Pimp in a fur coat?
Now they're saying the Tyrannosaurus Rex, or as I like to call it, the T-Rex, may also have been a feathered beast.
This freakin' guy!
But I'll be okay just as long as no one messes with the Dinobots.
I'm looking at you, Michael Bay. You smug bastard.
"Break-ups: The Series" Vimeo Submission "Best Original Series" from Ted Tremper on Vimeo.
Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.